Why I believe Candice Owens is a woman worth listening to.

For some time now I have been deciding whether or not to write upon this topic on my website. Maybe its the Aquarius in me, but controversial topics are what we need to lean towards rather than away from in these current times. Candice Owens, love or hate her, is one of the most controversial journalists and speakers in modern media and I would like to discuss why.
During my 20's I would have described myself as more left leaning; whether that was because it was what I actually believed in or I was following the following and listening to those surrounding me I can not be entirely sure. Nobody wants to be the "bad person", nobody wants to known in a society as being what I like to call the societal taboos (ex: racism, homophobic, transphobic, sexist, or religious extremism). We have all seen what happens to someone who gets societally shamed when ever falling into any of those categories. And good right!? All of those "isms" clearly define if someone is an accepting or non accepting person. It can define evil vs good in many circumstances, but that is only if those accusations are true. 
I suppose my journey started back in Scotland during the American Presidential Campaign, you know the one; the all mighty evil oompa loompa and killary killton. There seemed to be a narrative, and if you did not fall into believing in that narrative then you were bullied into being an outcast. Hilary Clinton was worshipped at that time by females, and if you wanted to align yourself as a feminist, then you MUST support her. Because I saw all her flaws, believed she would NOT be a good president, and was behind war crimes that nobody seemed to want to acknowledge at the time, I was considered an anti-feminist. Because I agreed with some of the stuff Trump was saying about media lies and the corruption of the government, I was labeled a racist conspiracy therorist. Throw in Covid-19, and because I did not want to get a vaccination I was now a "white surpremisist trump supporter". Of coarse that is laughable to anyone who ACTUALLY knows me, but to those who were fearful of someone who questioned the mainstream narrative, I was a threat to their ideology. It was through these monumental changes that I decided to NEVER believe anything I hear or read about without actually investigating it further myself. If I heard folks around me saying "this person is a racist because they said this" I would voluntarily watch the four hour long interview to understand in what context this person was speaking. About 99% of the time, it was blown out of proportion, to gain attention online, follow along an agenda, or distract the greater population from something serious happening elsewhere in the world. It was from this moment, I started only watching speakers that are not scripted or verbally regurgitating the same language I heard on the media and newspapers. I loved listening to individualist thought even if I agreed or disagreed with what they said. Why? Because it's real. And nobody is perfect. 
Cue Candice Owens. While there are many topics I do disagree with this woman on, I respect a woman who will speak her mind against all odds of a society lying, gaslighting, and downright bashing her character. That to me is a strong woman, and one that clearly has a message worth fighting for. I found her through one of those "lets hate on someone for an isolated quote they said" articles, and decided to actually investigate this woman myself. After countless videos of watching her over the past year, I can honestly say this is someone worth listening to. She cuts through the bullshit, and gets straight to the morality of where society is heading unless we have these harder discussions. She was one of the first public figures to speak out on the vaccinations (every fact she said about it has now been confirmed true), black lives matter movement (in which she discovers the falsity of the "non-profit organization" which has now been confirmed true), and of the big pharma and gender affirming care connection that is heavily debated online. She speaks out on how society is actually furthering black suffering by perpetuating victimization mindset and how twisted black culture has become. And after listening to this woman present these well supported facts over the year, it has completely shifted my perspective on what our society is preaching to younger generations of today. She will apologize when she gets something wrong, and will change her opinion if she believes the opposition facts are straight. She converses with many people from completely different political ideals and can get to a middle point with many of them. But to the level of how intellectually quick minded this woman talks is outstanding. Each sentence is individually thought out and frankly I have heard nothing like it. 
Personally, I try not to engage in black and white thinking. Candice, however, is much more along the lines of black and white, good vs evil. Although I do not think society should run that way in general, I do believe we need people like Candice to keep society in order and in check. Everything in life needs balance, just like a child needs boundaries and structure, they also need play and freedom. Think of a job for example, if a workplace didn't have someone in charge to be the hard-ass, they would have employees walking all over them. It's a nice thought to believe we can all sing koombiya together in society by tearing down every structure possible, but that is not a reality. Just the same as much as we would love for there to be sunshine everyday, there will be storms, catastrophes, and rockslides. You cannot eliminate danger, it's impossible. Someone who can organize society into good and bad are needed. They are there to see when society is swinging way to far on the pendulum and can help bring it back to balance. That is how I view the conservative-minded people as. I do not think that we can only live in a conservative society, hell I would run even farther into the woods than I already am, but I do think we need them to help keep society structural.
So I encourage you to allow another mindset into your thinking. I encourage you to listen to the opposition all the way through to the end, and to admit to yourself...maybe your not all that right. Maybe there is more to the story than the narrative that society has been leading you to believe. And at the heart of it all, understand that most people are not trying to be a good or bad person. We are all just trying to figure out how to get along, how to keep a society running functionally, and to keep our family and community safe. Opinions are opinions, it is how you react to them that matters. Let's bring back healthy debates and understand that love is at the core of them.. maybe then we can start to bridge that divide between the left and right, the religious and non religious, the black vs white, the town vs another town, the country vs another country, the polarization of every living thing.