Astro: Saturn transgresses into Pisces

For the past few years, Saturn (the planet of discipline, boundaries, and mastery) has been transiting through my personal sign of Aquarius. Which for me means I am coming out of my transformational Saturn return. Aquarius, ruled by Saturn in traditional Astrology and Uranus in modern Astrology, is known for it's humanitarianism, community, innovated ideas, technology, and rebellion against authority. A word to describe Aquarius is -- change. 
Pluto, which I relate to the tarot card "The Tower", is a planet known for power. When Pluto makes it's transition into a new sign, it is usually a dramatic shift in power structures and shifts what has not been working. This year Pluto will be doing its first transit into Aquarius (coming in and out of it until it stabilizes in 2024). I believe Saturn has been preparing us for this transit over the past few years, and giving us a little glimpse into what changes we will see while Pluto stations itself in Aquarius for 15 or so years. To give an example, when Pluto last made its transit into the planet Capricorn, it was in 2008 (the housing market crash). While Pluto has been in the sign of Capricorn, the world fell into a structure of materialism, hustle culture, and turned the internet into a social media place of self marketing. While it gave people the ability to work for themselves, it also seemed to take away that true feeling of connection and living in the moment. 
While Saturn has been in Aquarius, we have seen a drastic upshift in rebellion against power structures. Examples being: black lives matter, Iranian woman's fight for freedom, trans movements, indigenous culture awareness, every child matters (awareness of the residential schools), trucker protests, farmer protests, environmental protests, gender protests, ect ect may I go on? And although we have come to an exhausted point where all these well meaning movements have started to become quite overwhelming, it is good to remember its all apart of the shift. With Saturn being in Aquarius, people finally felt energetically supported to fight against the rules and status quo that the powers that be have put in place (and most never questioned until recently). In order to make change, there is usually a cataclysm. Things need to crumble in order to be rebuilt. However, we also learned during this time that society is more divided than it ever has been in this lifetime. Blame social media, but we have started to turn our activism against each other, rather than at those who actually control the power. The saying "United We Stand" has turned into "Divided We Fall". On top of that, since Pluto has still been in Capricorn during this time, society has slipped in to this narcissistic type of culture. It has become a culture of "Me" instead of "We". Well meaning Self-Help groups have turned into a Self-Help lifestyle and society. Don't get me wrong, self help is needed in order for the society to transform themselves into a better person for society, but it is lacking something that has connected societies since the dawn of time. This goes by many names, but as westerners call it, it's God (or the immeasurable source).
What does "God" mean to you? Do you believe you will float up in to the sky after you pass, or do you believe God lies within all living things and we will be reborn and recycled back into the Earth to grow into something else? These are the kind of questions that will plague you once Saturn transgresses into Pisces. Pisces, a sign known for spiritual transformations, religions, being connected to the living and other realms, and being the dreamer. It's ruling planets are Jupiter, the planet of growth and transformation, and Neptune, the mystic dreamer. Be prepared for your mind to shift into thoughts about wondering what you believe in, or what you want to believe in. Through a shift in belief's and finding a connection to the spiritual realm, will finally be when you as an individual and us as a society will begin to find growth and expansion for our future. Because how are we ever meant to come together and care for our planet and each other if we do not feel a connection to the source (i.e. all nature). There is a spiritual rhythm that connect us all, and once we are able to bind that belief with our newer scientific knowledge and technology, we will literally skyrocket as a society. In numerology, its also the year of the 7 (2+0+2+3=7). 7 is all about personal transformations and our belief systems. I'm seeing a lot more public discussions on religion and spirituality in all forms. At the beginning of this year I almost wanted to reconnect with my Christian upbringing and values and the thoughts were plaguing me... until I finally settled on accepting that is my baseline, but that I am much more expansive than that religion. However, I truly value any religion and its form. But that is precisely what this transit will be teaching us, to bring form to our spiritual practise. If you are needing a starting point, try studying Permaculture. This field studies the connection between what the earth takes and gives, and that there cannot be one without the other. It brings us back to our ancient cultural roots and reminds us of what we have forgotten.
All in all, this transition will test your relationship with your spiritual practise. Those who bypass their practises or are putting on more of a facade, will get exposed by Saturn. My favourite astrological channel I follow is "Healer and Dreamer Astrology", they make a great point in saying that "in order to prevent the flood make sure your boat is stable". Considering Pisces is the ultimate water sign without any defence, a flood could follow if you are not prepared. That flood representing the flood of emotions, instability, falsehoods, and ego. The boat representing your spiritual practise. Saturn will want to see discipline and structure to your belief systems. Less about the mind and more about the heart and action. If we all take this time to structure our lives around spiritualism and less about processions, we can utilize this upcoming Pluto in Aquarius transit to bring balance and harmony back to Earth. 
Happy Healing Everyone
Sydney Rumohr