
The Dangers of Being Authentic

In a western based society that is all about authenticity these days, it got me thinking about unionization. As an Aquarius, authenticity couldn't be more important to my being, I also value it's importance in creating a dynamic and unique society; however, lately I am questioning it's placement within the holistic health field. 

Healthy competition is important in life, without it there wouldn't be much fun or purpose in trying to be the best you can be. Too much of it however, can create a unnecessary battle for being the best. This idealism, in theory, can actually take you away from your passion that you acquired to begin with and bring you into a place of jealosy, reputation burning, and capitalistic thinking. Don't get me wrong, in order to survive in todays world you do unfortunately need to live, at least a little, in a capitalist fashion. But do you really need to always be thinking of ways to separate your art from the rest? I highly doubt that generations ago grandmothers were competing with each other for who made the best remedy in the village to help heal a broken heart. I hope and believe that a grandmother was only focussing on helping the poor woman, rather than trying to build a reputation. Fast foward to today's society, and it's hard not to notice competition everywhere within the health field.. and why? 

The amount of stress I sometimes feel to try and be unique with my own ventures and to seperate myself from the rest feels so disconnected from what a nature walker is here to do. A little news flash as well, not any one of us is completely unique in our ideas. Everyday people are unconciously inflenced by what surrounds them, by what they have learned and been conditioned to believe, and what shapes their passion. Music is prime example: every musician created their sound by an influence from what they heard before them. Should we not be celebrating that there is music, rather than saying one band is more unique than the other? A lot of the time I wish I lived generations ago, where people just enjoyed their crafts, not needing to brand every passion they had. Where people gave their crafts credit to those who taught them how to use it, rather than trying to take over and be the best. The days I feel I help people the most, are the days that I don't even feel it is me coming up with the ideas or suggestions, it's my ancestors talking through me. Aren't we all merely just a construct of our DNA and learned behaviour? Since when did humbleness become a rare attribute? 

Whenever I think of being humble I think of my grandmother Jean, who we all called "Nana". This woman was the epidimy of humble. She spent her afternoons being completely content sitting in her chair and listening to classical music in the pressanse of her grandkids. She seemed so naturally connected to nature- attracting bears and wildlife into her yard and introducing me to the tasty huckleberry bush in her forested property. She carried so much wisdom and graditude without needing any approval or anything in return. We all have someone like that who has influenced our lives and maybe it is about time we try to carry their essence. The ego is a powerful beast, and left untamed can crawl in our entire being and swallow us up. Nobody is the best, and nobody is the worst. We all have amazing traits and a lot of them overlap. Instead of division, lets celebrate together. Lets celebrate that we all share similar passions and love for something beyond this material world. Lets give thanks to those who brought them to our attentions. And lastly, lets remember we all came from a tiny little organism that expanded to where we are today. 

Love, not hate.

A rambling Sunday,
