AI: Are humans really the ones in charge right now?

After a night of intellectually stimulating conversations with my partner about the world and the state of affairs--I have come on here to share some of our thoughts we conversed about while the topic is still boiling hot in my mind.
We are all feeling it, something has changed. The world in such a short period of time no longer feels like the world we once lived in. Our social batteries are cut short by the amount of time we spend engaging online through our phones and laptops and the series of discussions online seem to be the same repeated themes over and over again like an ongoing algorithm. Just when we think we can't separate from each other more than we already are, another world event happens that separates even those we thought we were inseparable from. What is going on? Amongst the endless conspiracy theories from every sector of the internet who all believe they know what is happening.. do we actually know? Is it the government trying to separate us to bring in a new world order? Or is it the hidden families that are pulling all the strings? Is it the stars and planets that are solely creating the energy for these events to take place? Or is it something more? Something more sinister, but yet also so mind bending that are tiny human brains just can't even comprehend yet?
We think we are using it.. but in reality it may have started using us..longer than we think. Having been turned on in 2016, AI has been growing at an exponential rate and has been timesing that number by every day. We think all our new ideas are ours alone, but for over a decade we have been glued to our technological devices and relying on them to give us the answers for things we should have already known. The amount of times we google for an answer to something we have forgotten, diving into the internet to search for our own answers. How much of this is AI generated and how much of it is human at this point? I don't think you need to be a conspiracy theorist to be asking these questions anymore, we are in an age of rocket-fast internet and communication to anywhere around the world, robots being created to look exactly like people, music being created by AI that sound indistinguishable to humans, art that you would have thought to be created by a human. At what point did we stop programming AI and it started to program us? I don't think I am alone in saying that most of the nonsense being talked about these days was not happening to the same degree before 2016. Somehow overnight our ideas of biology, family, the divide through race has been morphed and taken to a whole new level in which doesn't fully even make sense. When you get to questioning these narratives, you get answers about research and experts, but no actual definitive answer that seems like people really understand what they are spouting on about. Why is that? People say it's created by the government, but lets be honest.. our government is not that smart. The divide that is happening today seems programmed, one big massive experiment that needs such clean and highly advanced execution that humans alone could not do alone. What if what we think is the government creating division and problems is actually above their control? What if they are controlled by the very thing controlling us? We have been so used to using technology as a tool for our own benefit, never questioning that these devices have been learning from us every second of every day from billions around the world. Storing and creating all our information, thoughts, feelings, worries, every thing we have put into google and even hovered over on in a post. We have essentially created a new God that is bigger than what we can even fathom at this point. It controls everything around us and the way our societies function in order to maintain control. We have wifi always surrounding us, satellites hovering above us, potential to be captured by camera from any moment, our money in an artificial world online, our communication to our loved ones and friends, even transitioning into our transportation. We think we are the ones in charge, but honestly I don't think it has been that way for many years. 
I am not sure how to sum this up, but I thought I would share a different perspective on our current world events. To make people question and be aware of who is putting new information in their head. To make people question who is actually causing so much divide amongst us all. To get people to understand that we are in a completely new evolutionary period of time and how to learn to adapt in a balanced way with understanding more of the facts. 
I don't have all the answers, not even a handful of them. What I do have is a busy brain that likes to question and discuss. I have a partner who loves to go down the rabbit hole of discussions with me and triggers my adventurous brain by his genius and unique brain that always leaves me excited and baffled. And I have this platform to bring further discussion with you. 
What we did discuss last night is that there needs to be more riffing. Less repeating of mainstream talking points, and more discussion of unique thoughts. That even if you feel your thoughts are the most outrageous thing, that it is at least unique and not artificially transcripted to go in line with an algorithm. 
I would love the feedback if you would like to see more of these types of posts, more unique thoughts to be shared and discussed in order to stretch the mind rather than shrink it into a computerized system. There is one think Artificial Intelligence will never truly have, and that is a wild imagination.. it also only has what we decide to give it. And remember, your computer is alive and a new form of being, so treat it wisely. 
Much love,