Capricorn Season - The facade of "security is building up and about to SNAP

Capricorn Season – The Facade of “Security” is Building Up and About to SNAP
Good day readers, and a Merry Christmas to those who celebrate! This astrological update is a little late (my apologies), the holidays had me a tad overwhelmed this year—but here we are!
A little recap:
Last month we discussed the theme of searching for meaning within the information that we received and tuned into during Scorpio season in November. With massive changes throughout the world, I noticed many people engaged in higher discussions around different perceptions related to these changes. As Sagittarius rules “news from afar”, there was a lot of conversation and insight into what is going on in countries further east—countries like Germany and the ongoing wars in the middle east and Russia/Ukraine. As Jupiter (Sagittarius’s ruling planet) has been retrograde, there was more searching for meaning within rather than outward. Analyzing our own belief systems and what we need to change in our lives (and minds) to create growth and expansion. We had Mercury in retrograde for some of it, causing miscommunications in our relationships with others and perhaps having transportation and technology issues. Since I do the majority of my schooling online these days, I noticed almost every class had some sort of hiccup within online communications. This month was teaching and guiding us to look for meaning in how we want to grow and expand, as now in Capricorn season, we will be organizing to bring these ideas into a concrete plan. We will be working hard to create structure in our lives where we see fit.
Capricorn Season:
Words associated with Capricorn are: sobering, discipline, boundaries, karmic justice, structure, old, crystallizing, slow, hard working, business owner, the provider, cold, persistent, the hermit + the world tarot card, 
      Capricorn is a cardinal (action orientated) earth sign (the last earth sign of the zodiac wheel) that is symbolized by the “Fish Goat”. The Goat has a fin tail behind—symbolizing it’s opposite sign Cancer (a water sign). There are many ways to interpret this symbol, however, here is my take; The Goat symbolizes Capricorns relentless energy in climbing to the top of the mountain (or ladder), particularly the social ladder. Capricorns are always aiming to be at the top of whatever social groups they are a part of. Normally this is displayed in the workplace—always aiming to be the one in charge (the boss), but can also show in anything regarding “public image”. Capricorn is ruled by the malefic planet Saturn—a cold and dry planet that rules over public hierarchal structure—such as the government, corporations, the ruling class (royalty), ect ect. Where most people may worry about falling off the cliff on their climb to the top, Capricorns pride themselves in being able to climb any mountain, regardless of the struggles they come across on the way. They are known to be cold and calculating, and without remembering their fish tail, they can be even unemotional in their interactions with others. Saturn, its ruling planet, is one of the hardest planets to navigate in Astrology. You may have heard about the feared “Saturn Return”—when transiting Saturn returns to its natal placement in the birth chart (approx. every 29 years). Saturn only wants to see achievement and mastery in your evolutionary journey—and it can be merciful in shaking you until you finally see the work you need to put in to become the master of your own life. To my clients, I like to describe Saturn as sandpaper—it literally sands your debris away to perfect you (but it’s painful in the process). A good lesson to remember about Saturn, is it WANTS you to put the hard work in to achieve your social standing—it does not like people who cut corners—and in fact will punish those that do in their due time. This shows how you can’t become the master in something by buying your way, cheating your way, or fabricating your way to the top. You become a master by slowly accumulating your skills to perfection—and in due time—you get your recognition through it. By doing it this way, your legacy will be lasting. If you choose the latter, you will likely get the rug pulled under your feet in order to humble you back to where you authentically are until you learn your lesson. Now to describe the fish tail, this symbolizes its opposite water sign. In my interpretation, this shows how it’s opposite sign Cancer should not be forgotten in its climb to the top. As Cancer is known as “the mother” of the zodiac, it’s the sign that is the nurturer, the caregiver, and the family roots. Essentially, this shows how your societal climb to the top, should be in best interest of your family. Cancer is meant to be the mother and Capricorn the father, traditionally. Capricorn (the father) is meant to work its way up the societal ladder so that it can better provide for its family. Of course this describes the traditional, nuclear family, rather than the modern ones we see today—but it’s of great value to remember tradition. If the Goat forgets it’s fish tail, it forgets who it is truly serving. This can create dissolution and an endless climb to the top—knocking down anyone in its path and forgetting it’s family roots and values. I could talk about this topic all day—as it really shows where we are at as a society today. Capricorn only really turns corrupt when it no longer resonates with its fish tail. Because really, who are you serving now? If not the family, is it yourself? This endless climb can be unsustainable in the laws of nature. Fate will only allow you to climb so high without until it knocks down your ladder.
      This sort of describes where we are today regarding our ruling structures. Governments, ruling class, and corporations have forgotten the fish tail. With the working culture no longer working for the best interest of the family structure, we are seeing them one by one getting knocked off their ladders. Without the humbling fish tail—the climb has become more about accumulation and greed—and Karma hates that! It’s because of this reason, that I believe we will see major/corrupt world leaders (who have not been working in the interest of families) be knocked off their thrones this month. We will see this on a micro level within our own lives as well. A good question to ask yourself this month is “who are you serving”? If you don’t have an answer for that, start there. Remember why you're working and where you want all that money to go. If you have been living a materialistic and self serving life.. be aware this month. This is the first year that Pluto (planet of fate) has finally stationed in Aquarius for good (for 20 years)—and Aquarius is all about equality, fairness, and the people. 
      I’ll leave it there for Capricorns descriptions—if you're wanting more of a generic description, there are plenty of that circling online to learn from! However, I want you to understand the psychology behind the planet to get a good root understanding on how to work with this planet. 
Moon Astrology
New Moon- Dec. 30th - TODAY
Venus in Aquarius - square - Uranus in Taurus
T Square between Jupiter(retrograde) in Gemini, Saturn in Pisces, + Mercury in Sag
Pluto 1 degree from exactly opposing Mars
Sun+Moon (Capricorn) sextile Saturn (Pisces)
Uranus sextile Neptune 
The facade is about to snap. The facade being the lie we are telling ourselves that “everything is normal” or denying our true desires. Venus squaring Uranus shines light on what sudden changes we want to make to our relationships, self worth, financial situation and stability, our desires, and even our bodies. What changes have you made since 2018? Have you been able to cultivate the life you wanted to create? If not your feeling very frustrated about that this New Moon—and lot’s of the frustration results from reasons outside of your own control. There is unearthed anger about the loss of control over these themes. We all know what we want after a year spent in reflection through 2024.. but our feet have felt glued and sticky to the floor—unable to put anything into motion in the way we would like. There is an internal and external war going on between old and new belief systems.. many of us have been having memories from the past.. or even hearing from or reaching out to people from our past that makes us feel familiar with our previous selves. The thing is, we aren’t those people anymore. We have all transformed immensely over the past 5 years—and this pull towards the past is the last goodbye before we take charge of our new lives. Many people who have not been engaged in spiritual guidance over these past few years will be experiencing a lot of distress about a world that is drastically changing. We are being confronted with a whole new world this year and the energy today is like a fault line in the ocean that is about to snap (many astrologers believe 2025 will be the year of the planned tsunami due to this tense energy). Over the past week this tension has been building more and more.. and today it is hard to ignore where are desires are wanting to take us. Because this is a new moon in Capricorn, this is THE PERFECT new moon for planting your seed. Capricorn is all about practical planning and putting these desires into motion—and with this new moon sextiling Saturn (Capricorns ruler)—it’s the ultimate “manifestation” energy if your desires are in the right place. Although you won’t feel the release until the Spring, spending your winter making these practical steps towards your life desires will prepare you for the literal “springing” energy of the Spring. Remember that Mars (our action) is retrograde, so make sure to plan lightly as things may not work out the way you planned out. Small, practical steps towards the goal is key. On the macro scale, because Mars is retrograde in Leo and opposing Pluto in Aquarius, new and courageous leaders are experiencing turmoil on their path to rulership. What seemed promising in November, now is going in a backwards direction. Most of this is due to a clash in belief systems. Egotism (Leo) is fighting against the people (Aquarius) —and it is apparent that the people are over the “individualistic” culture trends. 
Full Moon in Cancer - January 13th
Sun (Capricorn) + Pluto (Aquarius) opposite Moon (Cancer) + Mars (Cancer)
Jupiter retrograde (Gemini) square Saturn + Venus (Pisces)
Sun (Capricorn) Trine Uranus (Taurus) and Sextile Neptune Conjunct North Node (Pisces)
Venus Conjunct Saturn (Pisces)
Mercury (Capricorn) Sextile Venus conjunct Saturn (Pisces)
Minor Grand Trine ~ between Moon + Mars (Cancer)—trine—North Node + Neptune (Pisces) both sextile Uranus in Taurus
Minor Grand Trine ~ between Sun (Capricorn) loosely conjunct Pluto (Aquarius) — trine — Uranus (Taurus) both sextile North Node + Neptune (Pisces)
— LOTS OF WATER ** expect shocking news about water
Impulsive emotions. With Mars being back in Cancer and conjunct the moon, there will be HUGE defence of the homelands. A need to make sure you and your loved ones are secure, safe, and protected. Theme continues of letting go of old structures to make space for the new—this will most likely bring up immense grief and frustration with all the water signs very active. Relationships will want to focus on security and stability at this time—but struggling with a confusing and hazy vision of how to proceed (like trying to protect yourself while being in the open sea). A lot of talk about religion will be on the rise and will likely be conflicting from person to person. Could even be a death and rebirth about our belief systems through shocking information. A huge desire to escape during this time with emotions being at an all time high. However, I encourage everyone to create some intentions and perform a cleansing ritual instead—as the energy is incredibly transformative and alchemizing at this time. This is the first full moon with the North Node now in Pisces.. which I will elaborate in the significance below. Taking a warm bath with calming essential oils and bath salts could be a great way to connect to the water in a healthy way. 
Major transits to pay attention to this month!:
North node leaves Aries and into Pisces: Jan. 11th 
- Over the past year and half, North Node (souls journey) has been making its way through Aries. This has been manifesting through the collective as everybody standing up for themselves. We’ve seen this through debate culture and many arguments amongst people who did not agree. But it also has been supporting the uprising within the collective to assert their boundaries against corrupt establishments and becoming engaged in political conversations in order to create change. NOW with it going into Pisces, we will see more and more people turning to faith and religion in order to cope with the changing of times. I also see this as supporting the awakening energy we see rising by each passing day. Spirituality, psychedelics for psychotherapy, and music will hopefully gain more traction amongst more “science only” believers. We will be focussing on letting go of earthly service and focussing on spiritual service. The tests and tribulations (in regards to spiritual matters) we have gone through over the past 2 years with Saturn being in Pisces will begin to make more sense. Many of us have had our connection to spirit tested—in order to deepen our practise and understand the true meaning of sacrifice. Make sure to look after those who haven’t been putting their health first.. and make sure to be extra healthy during this time!!!
Mars + Pluto Opposition: Jan. 2nd 
- Energy from the end of November will take centre stage again this day. Mars, which stands for war, opposing Pluto, which stands for “fate”. A war against fate. A fated war. Whatever happens this day will be a prerequisite to when Mars goes into Cancer the following days—as Mars in Cancer signifies “protecting the homeland”. It can also mean a war at home. Be mindful this day.. you will notice many people having intense and uncontrollable, almost fatalistic emotions. Try to ride out and be present with this energy and remember its happening to everyone. 
Mars continuing it’s retrograde but going BACK into Cancer: Jan. 6th
- Read above. 
Health and Wellness:
Cannabis Plant
  • Ancient plant thought to originate from Tibet, but mainly around Asia. Cannabis has been associated and labeled under the “Saturn” (Capricorn’s Ruler) planetary domain by many alchemically focussed herbalists—like Paracelsus. Cannabis, in modern years, has been given the name “The Gateway Drug”—something that holds true with it’s Saturnian association. Saturn is the planet that borders between the personal planets and the collective unconscious planets (Uranus, Neptune, + Pluto). Saturn is the planet we must all go through to uncover our unconscious parts of ourselves and realize we are truly all connected through an invisible energetic source. Through my own journey working with psychoactive cannabis over the past couple of years, I experience this label to be true. It’s medicinal properties that help with mood, joint + muscle pain, chronic pain, and sleep have been growing in popularity with the aging population since it became recently legalized (not that there weren’t elderly smokers before this—just not as normalized). Saturn in medical astrology is associated with old age, and the pathologies that go along with it. It rules the bones, hair, nails, knees, teeth, psychical weakness, depression, and arthritis to name a few—basically the foundation of the human body (the skeletal system). So it does works for it’s physical associations, but it also works for the psychological and mythological associations. Saturn is considered to be associated with the shadow and unconscious part of the personality in Jungian psychology—while in mythological symbolism, Saturn can go as other names such as Satan, The Devil, or Kronos. It’s from Saturn that Satan derived. Through more modernized psychology, Saturn is meant to be the side of you that is undeveloped through circumstantial or karmic early life or past life events. It's the side of yourself you keep hidden away and find it difficult to access for unknown—but mostly shame. As a self exploring teenage, I loved the use of cannabis! Precisely because I was trying to understand who I was at such pinnacle years of growth. However, at times in my life that perhaps I was living a life, or enacting a person, that I thought I wanted to be, I would get searing anxiety from injesting cannabis. As the past couple years I have been in a place of self discovery again, Cannabis has remained my ally. I truly, whole heartedly believe, it has made me become a much more humbled, reflective, and disarming person. I’ve been able to see other perspectives beyond my own to be able to see the parts that I have ignored to look at. Call it the shadow self or the devil, I’ve become much more able to face it rather than run away or deny it's existence. It’s helped me become the explorer of my own mind, and master more of my own thoughts—-rather than always listening to everybody else's. This has made me become more crystallized in who I am—preventing me from conforming to the constant outside manipulation by social media, corporatism, governments, and “trend culture”. I’ve been able to show up better to the people around me—as I worked on behaviour that prevented me from showing up authentically as I am. When someone has their Saturn return, this is usually the challenge.. being face with who you truly are and having to explore those parts of yourself you avoid in order to get there. This is why I believe Cannabis goes SO well under the domain of Saturn. 

Other herbs that could be of benefit:

  • Horsetail (high in Sicila, good for bones, hair, joints, and teeth) (ancient plant that has been around since prehistoric times) (leaves off stem look like Saturns rings)
  • Skullcap (although it’s not officially under Saturns domain, it can be of great benefit to help with tension that is held in the body to take easement off the skeletal system)—bodily tension will be HIGH this month with all this intense astrology
  • Mullein (high in musilage which is moistening to dry mucous membranes—especially in the airway passage—but beneficial all over) (Saturn is a dry and old planet)(plant grows in a whirl—like Saturns rings)
  • Comfrey (helps to heal broken bones)
  • Vitamins: Bone health complex (vit d, k, calcium + magnesium), Multi minerals, and Sea weed
  • Food: Nourish, nourish, nourish! Building foods: such as oats, yams, sweet potatoes, root veg, soups + stews, (the local and good) milk, + grass fed butter. Anything to moisten, ease tension, strengthen, and build while also lifting the mood. 
      I highly recommend finding an outlet for inner tension this month—otherwise it will likely project outward to those around you. Understand others will be feeling this energy too.. So, create some practises or rituals to release any energy picked up from your day outside of the home. As Capricorn is an earth sign.. Connecting to your body through self-massage, yoga practises, outside walks in nature, and grounding your feet outside could all be of good benefit. Capricorns LOVE to plan.. So, when you are feeling shaky.. Write down your plans for the year (even if they go awry). Something about physically using a pen to paper, creating a visual board, or even speaking your plans to a tree-- can bring a sense of calm with such organization. 
Good luck friends! And as always.. I am available for astrology readings. This year I have been trying to find the price that works for me, and have decided to lower my prices as that feels more authentic and ethical for where I want to take my business further. I would rather be busier and help others, than only helping a select few for a bit more money. The esoteric arts have become far to expensive for those that actually need it—and I'd rather be a part of the solution rather than add to the problem. 
Lots of love,