Libra Season-- Get Your Relationships and Finances in Balance--We are about to go for a WILD ride



Wow! Hello everyone and welcome to Libra season—the sign of the balancing scales and partnerships—ruled by Venus, the planet of love, finances, and beauty. I wish I could say that this season will bring balance back to our nervous systems over the previous month of erratic Virgo season, however, sadly this is not the way I see this month going. I apologize for being 2 days late with this email, truth is, there is SO much going on with every daily chart this month that it has taken me WAY longer to discern all this information and what it is going to mean for our future.


First off I will highlight some themes that got brought up during Virgo season. Luckily, there was no health restrictions which was something possible with the planetary placements.. but there was a LOT of talk about health in the media. A major one being that RFK jr got appointed by Trump to be in charge of the health care system if he wins. For those who have been following the corruption of the pharmaceutical companies for ages now.. this was positive news. Whatever your feelings are about Trump, many people were able to drop that in favour of someone who thinks more Liberally and advocates for natural health, addressing our corrupt medical system and food distribution system, vaccine awareness, and environmental (TRUE environmentalist) advocacy. The media was swarmed with more information being made available through mainstream news sources about the impact of seed oils, dangerous risks of vaccines (be it your for them or not.. the negatives need to be shared to the public to make informed consent), the lobbying of big pharma, and even talk about agriculture (partly ruled by Virgo) and the changes we can make to actually DO something about the environment like regenerative farming, soil health, and building with hempcrete to combat the homes being burned in forest fires. These are all subjects I have been personally trying to educate others on over the years—so it was a win to see it spread amongst the mainstream media. There was also big news about the hospitals and their free “Safe Supply” vending machines right outside and close to schools and daycares. Virgo season really did provide the information that was predicted to come out all about the health care industry.

To start on a simple note, lets get into what Libra season stands for and rules in traditional astrology. Ruled by Venus, Libra is represented as the scales which indicates how when one side of the scale gets heavy, the other side goes out of balance. It also symbolizes how relationships, especially traditionally, were meant to be the balance to what you lack (your other half). Normally, Libra loves all things aesthetic like beauty, clothing, textiles, groovy music, beautiful scents, and money. Libra is also an air sign (rather than it’s Venus shared pal Taurus), which suggests that Libra loves to share all it’s information with another (preferably it’s life partner). It can be a great time to communicate in your relationships, which makes sense, considering it’s the first sign in the change of seasons into Autumn where naturally we would need to discuss what needs to be done and prepared in our lives and our homes before we become home bound for winter. A great time to discuss all the things left unsaid so we are not stuck inside with someone all winter and stewing on our problems together. Best to sort it out during this time so winter can run as smoothly as possible.  Wherever balance has swung to one side in a relationship (and our finances), it’s time to put the scales back into balance, which a lot of the times means an agreed upon compromise. Fear is an emotion that can start creeping up at this time—as Scorpio season (rules fear) is around the corner, the darker days start to approach, the weather turns, and we are left going through another winter of the unknown (while being hunkered in with your own thoughts). Interestingly enough, Libra rules the Kidneys in medical astrology (the organ we need to keep our fluids in balance), and the Kidneys in Chinese Medicine represents “Fear”. It is not uncommon for people to be prone to kidney infections at this time if there is a large amount of fear present within their lives. I will discuss that more below, but it is something to keep in mind as I continue on—as the emotion of Fear will be challenging even the strongest of us during this intense astrological month ahead. When in doubt, try to remember that Aries is Libras opposite sign and has a lot to do with “Courage”—when fear arises try to remember your inner(strong) warrior and not your outer (weak) warrior (which would cause conflicts rather than harmony).
We started out Libra month on Monday.. where the energy suggested tension within our relationships, possibly bringing up ancestral rage. We also are confronted with what we thought we knew and what the bigger picture actually is. This will be a big theme this month which is sort of a continuation all the information that came out last month.. we will continue to transform and have to face dark truths. Even today.. the energy is challenging us to let go of what we feel we need to over analyze in our minds and begin to communicate with others about what is truly going on. With Mercury moving into Libra and Venus in Scorpio, our conversations will start to centre around our relationships and our shared finances—trying to adjust and find balance. In the background— we have a lot of support from Saturn this month; that although it may bring negativity and sobering truths, it also is trying to provide structure and a halt to our inner angst and impulses so that we can really sort out what needs to be sorted out. Be mindful of your subconscious tending towards manipulation and cunning talking points to avoid the truth—the people who can use this energy in their benefit will need to allow being told the things they may not want to hear and accept that this could be true about them or the world— the key is to learn, understand, and then adapt. This can be an INCREDIBLY transformational time for relationships—remember you are strong and capable of this—don’t give into the fear of the unknown. The intense energy begins to REALLY pick up on Oct 11th and 13th which will create a very chaotic full moon in Aries on the 17th shining light on the eclipse we had at the last full moon. Each eclipse we have had this year has highlighted a spiritual war of some kind—- mainly the war going on in the middle east with Israel will likely make some headlines as this full moon is in Aries (which rules war). This is also getting close to the time Mars will be opposing Pluto in it’s final degree of Capricorn. The last catalyst for death to secret corporations and government as we know it.
Oct 2 New Moon:
Moon passing conjunct sun and mercury starting square with mars
Grand trine with Venus Saturn and Mars
Triad of transformations
Jupiter square Neptune and Saturn
{Tension beginning to rise within our thoughts and our egos. Saturn bringing wisdom and cold/blunt truth to our relationships to create lasting changes—slowing us down to rethink before we act. The feeling of wanting to grow through learning and communicating..but there is to be so much negativity (and hard truth) and murkiness (rose coloured glasses) in the information we are receiving that it will make it hard to discern. Saturn can be helpful here to almost be the mediator of truth—but it may bring negative emotions and a willingness to face parts of yourself you’d rather not know. This may be a great time to discuss finances with your partner in a mature, lasting way to begin a new cycle}



Oct 17 Full Moon:

GRAND CROSS—-Sun Pluto Moon Mars
Mars trine Saturn and Neptune
Triad of transformations
Mystic rectangle
{feeling like we have to pick a side that disrupts our feelings and who we are, something breaking in half—death to something as we know it—feeling like we might snap.. but also we are being spiritually guided and supported at the same time and it’s best to understand we are going through a MAJOR transformation. There will be a feeling of inner war within ourselves for what direction we want to go in, but on the macrocosm a war between two different sets of truths. Remember we are in Libra season.. the scales. In order to be balanced with our scales, we are best to remain in the grey area otherwise we are in the opposite (war). You are going to feel swayed into choosing a side to believe—but remember there is ALWAYS duality to everything in life and it is okay.. in fact it is healthy.. to remain in your own values and be the one who bridges the gap between other people. Everyone will be tested in this time—remain in your truth and not somebody else's.
I can’t ignore the elephant in the inter web world right now. We are coming up on a major election, and even though it’s not our own, this one will impact what we know as democracy as we know it. At this point many astrologers agree that whichever way the vote swings, we are in for complete chaos regardless. Each winner will promote violence on the other side and this is why I say to remain in your own truth and not get swayed in the fight to divide. This month is giving you the opportunity to put your own house, family, finances, relationships in order to prepare for the tough times ahead.. try not to waste it getting caught up in the wind storm that is outside of your home. You will only make it through unscathed with a balanced mind, body, health, and support. I don’t say this all the create fear, I say all this to do the opposite. To bring awareness to the energy that is coming ahead so that you can prepare yourselves for the worst and that way be able to ride the wave with more strength and knowingness. You will really want a balanced mind for this year ahead and into all of 2025, trust me you do not want to be caught off guard. Allow yourself to connect with your loved ones and remember what is REAL. Go outside for autumn walks, move your body, call your loved ones on the phone, and CONNECT. With Jupiter being in Gemini all year—we have this insatiable need to consistently overwhelm ourselves with new information (especially from online). I am incredibly guilty of this as well and I even know the energy that is behind it. We are all wanting the truth.. but our nervous systems cannot handle this month daily information. My advice? Find a couple sources your trust with your heart and tune into them to get the updates. These people have made sharing their investigations and reports their career and are being compensated for the amount of stress it takes on their own systems.. we however are not. Let them filter out the gunk.. and if you begin to question that source try to find a new one.
As I mentioned above, Libra rules the Kidneys in medical astrology. As last month was the month to cleanse, this is the month to cleanse out through the kidneys (otherwise everything you killed off in your intestines and gut will get reabsorbed into the blood stream). Drink PLENTY of fluids, rebalance your electrolytes if you are urinated too frequently, magnesium will be your best friend, and eat plenty of BEETS. This is the month for root veg, which will be flooding all the farmers markets (it has already started). Root veg is very important at this time of the year as it’s flooded with polysaccharides which provide the body with essential components for the immune system. Flu season is right around the corner so you want to strengthen that immune system as much as possible. Make sure you transition over to eating warming foods and put a halt on raw foods and salads until the warmer part of spring. The body wants slow and complex carbs to build upon and store energy for the winter months. This is also a great time to store up on local meat at the farmers markets to pack your freezer full for this upcoming winter where we will focus on rich meaty stews. For now I suggest roasting your root veg to combat this damp weather we will be about to experience on the west coast with rain season.
Libra is an air sign.. so GET OUTSIDE and go for walks even if it’s raining. Great time to make it your form of socializing by going on hikes with friends or partners which will make for good conversation since Libra season is all about communicating with others. It’s a lot easier to create tougher conversations if the body is moving and in the fresh air. Since Libra is ruled by Venus, tend to the body as much as possible. Give yourself OR even your partner scented herbal body oil massages, dress up in your cute autumn outfits, and take yourself to a nice dinner or coffee dates to socialize (just watch your finances!).
Herbs that are great for this month:
Men could benefit from taking Nettle Root and Saw Palmetto for their prostate and kidneys.
For connecting with a loved one— Rose, Damiana, Shatavari Root, Maca Root, and Horny Goat Weed.
Mullein is great for kidneys as it’s a diuretic and can help to strengthen the Pulmonary system for upcoming respiratory illness season.
Cranberries to strengthen the urinary system and prevent kidney infections.
Fresh Garlic to promote detoxifying and clearing the kidneys.
Juniper Berries (with caution)
Burdock root for cleaning kidneys
Horsetail for kidneys
Marshmallow Root for soothing kidneys.
Most importantly stay our of fear. Use the mantra “Strength over Fear" this month whenever those feelings start to arise.
Anyways I wish you all a great season and hope you reconnect well with your loved ones!!
Talk to you next time,