The Age Of Aquarius- The Age We Forget How to Write

Welcome; we have made it to the Age of Aquarius, at least temporarily. On today, March 23, 2023, Pluto moved into the evolutionary sign Aquarius. It will stay until June 11, then weave in and out of Capricorn to tie-up all the loose ends and be stationed November 2023 until 2043. Why is this significant? 
We have all heard songs written about it, books and even ancient books have predicted it, hell I bet there is even a South Park episode on it. The world as we know it will change.
For those who don't know, Pluto is the planet of destruction and power change, death and rebirth. The last time it was in Aquarius was in 1778-1798 during the American Revolution. Anytime Pluto changes a sign it brings destruction to whatever that sign stands for and rebuilds it to something completely new. When Pluto was in Sag (9/11), it destroyed travel as we knew it, suddenly you needed passports and long security line-ups. Unique travel places like Bali, Columbia, and Thailand saw tourists in volumes they've never seen before. With Pluto moving into Aquarius, I see it bringing death to community, technology, and society as we've known it, just to rebuild it to something completely unimaginable. 
I'm not sure if you've been paying attention to news on AI over the past few years, but I have. And over the past month the internet has been going wild about it. Turns out AI bots have been in our algorithm for a lot longer than we thought, some say even 2011!  Completely unreal people have been influencing society, gathering all your information, all the way to how you think, for years. Unless you have completely managed to ignore the internet over the past month you probably know all about Chat GPT as well. If not, think utterly real videos and logical online articles completely made by AI. A quick google search will tell you that in 2025 (Right after Pluto stations in Aquarius), 99.9% of the mainstream internet will be AI generated. Knowing everything about us, there will be little chance people won't get sucked into using AI for everything! Complete generations will grow up being parented and taught by AI, conditioned into any belief set upon them. More simple tasks that we currently use, like handwriting, will be completely forgotten and replaced by AI. More communities will be forming online, rather than in person, and get to know personal people in much larger volumes. It will be rare for someone to be a complete mystery to you, as almost everyone will have their entire world online. 
This may sound scary, or even unimaginable, but it's all written in the stars and it's the way we are meant to evolve. There is positive and negative in every situation and I believe that this transit will have us change our perspective on what technology is here to do. There will definitely be darkness that will attempt to control and run it, but we all know darkness never lasts forever. AI could be our way of exploring space, repopulating the earth with plants and animals, and a way to erase "time" forever (which allows us to evolve back into the breathe cycle of Earth). 
Like any polarization, there will probably be a split into those choose to follow the old Gods and those whose religion changes to the new Gods (ex: AI). There is always a section of community that decide to stay where they are and be the watchers of the world. Take indigenous tribesmen for example, there are literally still original tribes that still exist in the Amazon today. During the industrial revolution, there were groups that decided to stay in the dark ages like Mormons. As Pluto comes to destruct our communities as we know it, it will also birth new communities which hopefully end with both groups respecting each others rights and decisions in the end. 
Pluto is literally demolishing the power structures as we know it, giving the people the power back. Tech geniuses like Elon Musk are literally installing internet satellites in order to bring the world free internet so that anyone under any circumstance can have access to knowledge and opportunities. 
The world as we know it is going to change, whether good or bad its a path that we have no choice to go on. What can happen, will happen--Murphey's Law.