Virgo Season-- Small Bits at a Time

Hi everyone!
Today marks the first day of Virgo season (also known as "cleanse" season before we hone inward for the colder months). 
I'll start off by recapping Leo season and bringing up some significant events that coincided with some of the astrology! As predicted, last month was again a collective rebellion against dictatorship... As we could see from many places around the world. Protests are becoming more intense and many people are feeling frustrated with the way their countries are being run. Souring inflation, massive government overspends, unregulated immigration, lack of housing for citizens, and ongoing mental health crisis. Britain ended up being more of the country that displayed these protests (being either right or wrong it doesn't matterit's happening). With the mars/jupiter conjunction on the 14th there was overwhelming amounts of information being shared to the public about what has been happening behind the scenes. With the full moon that just passedit brought a lot of crises to the forefront of people's livespersonally and collectively. Working in hospitality, I noticed many people were drained, emotional, and had a lot of pent-up anger. As this full moon took place in the sign Aquarius, which rules lightning and thunderstorms, I found it quite fitting that many places were experiencing these storms right on this full moon.. almost as if we all need a bit of a shake up to wake up to what is going on. August, normally a month of play and fun felt like more of a drag this year, with autumn weather coming in early. Don't mean to sound so sombre, but it's just the times we are in and it's best to be honest with it. Many people have found relief hearing that they are not alone in these struggling timesand that it's all apart of the transformation.. with transformation there needs to be a crumbling of the structures that aren't working any more. 
NOWVirgo Season. What does Virgo stand for? Virgo is related to the virgin maiden, the goddess of the harvest, the medicine woman, and the hermit. As summer begins to wind down, in Virgo season we collect our harvest and begin to prepare our home for the hermit months to come. We discern what we want to carry with us and what we want to let go of before the changing of seasons. This includes planning, making lists, cleaning our internal spaces, organizing our schedules after a busy summer, and cleansing out the junk in our bodies we may have consumed during (what should have been) fun, sporadic Leo season. Judgement can be high at this time as Virgo is a perfectionist, she wants to hone in on all the small details and prepare everything. Mercury will be going back into Virgo this month after it goes direct from being in retrograde at the end of the month... This means our communication towards others (and ourselves) can tend towards criticizingwe won't mean this in a bad way.. it's just that we want to perfect our surroundings and ourselves... but this can also lead to unnecessary arguments with others. Try to hold back on what others can do better and focus that attention inwards on how best to show up for yourself. To use this energy properly.. Focus this month getting everything in order, create healthy routines, start committing to a daily yoga session, daily meditations (great for virgo overthinkers), cleaning your space, cleansing your body, and focussing on what "purity" means to you. It's hard to be "pure" when our surroundings and bodies are in disarray. You will notice your nervous system will be more active as Virgo is ruled by Mercury (which rules our nervous system) and Virgo is known to be the most nervous sign of the zodiac. Again, when these emotions come upgo back to focussing on organizing the details to cope with the overwhelm. One small task at a time. Virgo is the small detailswhile it's opposite Pisces is the larger picture... don't be a Pisces.. be a Virgo... small small small and you will get through it. 
Here is a quote I find about the mythology of Virgo:
"Virgo is one of the twelve signs of the zodiac, associated with purity and innocence. In Greek mythology, Virgo is often represented by Astraea, the daughter of Zeus and Themis. As the goddess of Innocence, Virgo was said to have lived amongst us during the Golden Age of man. However, when humanity began to descend into wickedness and corruption, she fled from Earth for good. Her departure marked the end of Paradise on Earth. According to legend, it also signaled mankind's downfall - we were now destined to suffer through disease and sickness for all eternity. She was renamed Virgo, or "the virgin," because she never married and always remained pure.
But despite her associations with sickness and sadness, Virgo is also a symbol of hope and regeneration. After all, she is the daughter of Zeus, the king of the gods! This means that even in our darkest hours, we can always look to the heavens and take comfort in knowing that there is still some good left in this world."
New Moon in Virgo-- Sept 2nd 
This chart has a very "wake up" feeling to it. The first thing I notice is an almost exact square (tension) between Neptune (in retrograde on last degree) in Pisces and Mars in Gemini. This is following the big Mars and Jupiter conjunction we had last month (they are still conjunct but we are dealing with the aftermath). Neptune is the planet of murkiness and confusion. Wherever Neptune goes it lives with "rose coloured glasses" and it being in Pisces for the last decade or so is exactly that... Many people have been asleep to what has been going on in the world and sort of in their own little dream land. With Neptune being on its last degree (29) before it goes into Aries next year, this means we are in evaluation process which summarizes what we have learned from this transit. Mars being in Gemini is bringing action to this area.. And Gemini (ruled by Mercury) is information. So, Mars square Neptune to me represents a massive wake up to what is going on in the world right now.. More people are waking up quicker by each day and many are going to have to go through the painful process of realizing they have believed many lies over their lifetime. It will be a hard pill to swallow if you have been ignoring or denying what is actually "the truth". With the triad of transformations (a giant triangle of sextile between all our collective planets) being activated, this is a global awakening. With the Sun (our ego) being opposite Saturn (restrictions) this can manifest in many ways. It could just be that we feel powerless to the situations at bay... You may notice people have a defeated aura about them, a lack of vitality, using sayings like "I don't know what to do-- it's out of my control". could also be that some sort of restrictions come into play here and it could be about health (since Virgo rules health). The media has been trying to bring a lot of attention to Africa's new variant and there is a possibility of some health regulations and restrictions coming our way during that time. Fingers crossed that won't happenbut anything is possible in this day and age... There are more aspects that hint towards a feeling of inner chaos beyond our control (again related to health matters), and transforming disillusion in our relationships with others.  
Full Moon in Pisces – September 17th 
Good news first? Venus (in libra) and Jupiter (in gemini) are in lovely sextile to each other this full moon which will bring easy, uplifting, and positive communication in our partnerships (which is what we need to navigate through these harder energies we are in). We also have a grand kite with all the collective planets targeting our sun (our ego). I see this as dissolution of the ego. Are you starting to see a pattern here? This is what the energy is pushing us to do. Because the full moon is in Pisces (Virgo's opposite), the energy will be in balancing this axis. Pisces is the ultimate dissolution of the ego-- it is transcendence into the spiritual realm. This will be a humbling full moon---but only in a positive way for those who have been preparing for this and doing the work... If you have been living from your ego.. Then there may be hardships that come to you in order to force you to let go of your attachments to that way of living. The moon is conjunct retrograde Saturn in Pisces and square (tension) Jupiter in Gemini. Bringing us face to face with our shadow in regards to spirituality and perhaps information that contradicts our belief systems. This may feel very isolating and will make you want to escape your emotions instead of face them. I encourage you to do some sort of ritual this day as facing them can be a very transformational experienceagain we are being tested and encouraged to WAKE UP. ​This energy and information will be a lot to take in.. Especially during Virgo season where we want to dissect every bit of information... Again, take it one smallllll amount at a time. Digest what you can digest and come back to the rest later. 
Health, Lifestyle, and Herbal Advice
As mentioned above, Virgo is ruled by Mercury which rules our nervous system. Virgo itself is ruled by the small intestines (how we digest the world and our food and gather our nutrients from it). Write lists this month of everything you are consuming (food, lifestyle, everything). Having a visual in front of you can help you see what things are not helpful or healthy for your life at this time. If you are spending too much time absorbing negative news.. Then you are taking space away from absorbing something more positive. Take a good look at your digestive system as it is very co-related to your nervous system. Are you consuming too much to fit through your small intestine (literally and figuratively)? It is much easier to digest little bits than too much at once. Again, think back to small details. It is time to change the diet at this time. As we move away from summer foods and into warming foods... Look at what is coming up at this time. Squash is a great food for September.. Roasted squash and whole grains (as Virgo rules grains). Mushrooms like chanterelles will be coming at this time.. Mushrooms are very detoxifying for the system. Grapes and Apples will be a great choice this month for fruit, as it comes in plenty and can help build your immune system before flu season. 
As for herbs... Detox herbs are great this month and any herbs that help support digestion and nervous system. Fennel and anise seeds are plenty and can help with indigestion and relaxing any tension in the digestive muscles. These are a great start and herbal seeds are popping up at the beginning of this month... Nearing the mid-end of September, it is time to start harvesting root herbs if they are ready. Herbs like Yellow Dock, Licorice, Dandelion, Oregon Grape, Marshmallow root, ect... All of these help with digestion AS WELL as some cleaning the body of toxins and encouraging healthy bowel movements. You can either add them into a stew, decoct them on their own, or make them into a tincture to have throughout winter. 
Out of my teas, the best ones for this month is Nourish and Rebuild and Blood Building. I find the Nourish and Rebuild is good for the first half of the month to detox out anything negative we consumed in summer and replacing it with healthy vitamins and minerals. Blood Building contains all root herbs that help to detox out toxins and replace it with minerals while also supporting healthy digestion for absorption and building the immune system for the fall. 
Lifestyle suggestions: exercise routines, deep clean of the home, cleaning the garden space and preparing it, healthy meal plans, cleanse, body care, plenty of showers and baths, smudging your space as often as possible, taking down spiderwebs and kicking the spiders out of the home, reading a novel, drinking lots of tea, lists, lists, and more lists. 
Another full packed astrology report and I hope you gained some insight for this month ahead. 
Small bits at a time,