Hawthorn + Rose
Crataegus spp + Rosa canina

This is probably my favourite combination that I use a lot of in my formulations. Every year around mid-may Hawthorn and Rose bloom normally at the same time which makes for a fun and girly easy harvest. The best time to harvest Hawthorn is when the blossoms are still tinted with pink as that is when the constituents are most active. This period is QUICK, so you gotta keep an eye on when it is about to bloom. I also think the plants love being in combination with each other. Both are a-part of the rose family and they tend to grow side by side wherever I find them. Both work energetically on the heart and help to heal any lack of self love, scars, and lack of boundaries one might have. Hawthorn, which has become my favourite of all the trees, is connected to the faes in Celtic mythology. Many places in the UK take the mysticism behind this tree very seriously, even taking them into account while designing the road systems in order to make sure they do not cut them down. As to cut them down according the many mystics will invoke the faeries on you (in a not so friendly way)...so in other words, VERY bad luck. From my own personal use and from what I have seen in gifting this plant to others, is that Hawthorn tends to open one up to the dreamland and addresses any hidden scars that have been left upon the heart in this or past lifetimes. When I first started taking this plant, my heart would literally ache sometimes (not in a medical way, but an energetic way). Clearly, it knew my heart needed some tending to. I continue to use this combination of both Rose and Hawthorn whenever I feel myself leading away from the heart centre and use this to bring me back to it. This year I have a magical tincture recipe that I will use this featured harvest in, and will be a special love potion between my partner and I (can't wait for the results).

Hawthorn is used in herbal medicine as a tonic for the cardiovascular system. Its protective to the heart tissue and veinal system and has shown great promise in protecting those prone to heart failure. It's also used as a relaxant to ease any heart chakra anxiety and used in Chinese medicine as a stomachic for the digestion system. 

Rose is probably the most classic female herb that we know of. Just the smell can enchant anyone, like a beautiful seductive woman enchanting a man. The scent is used in aromatherapy as an aphrodisiac to help support this statement. This female flower screams the essence of self love and romance. Rose is incredibly astringent used externally and internally to help heal tissues and the skin. It works to tighten and tone the skin cosmetically but also with any injuries to the skin. Internally it can help restore an inflamed digestive system and help restore the ladies vaginal pathways after childbirth. Energetically it opens the heart back up to love but also protects it with it's thorny branches. It is a must for any love potion, and one who wants to get more in touch with their feminine nature. 

I can never not put these two herbs together when doing an alcohol tincture extraction. They love being side by side, and to me that feels like they help the body together. I see Hawthorn is the sultry, deviant woman and Rose as the soft, seductive and elegant woman. Putting these two together make for a more balanced perspective. 

The presence of these two plants were the sign I needed when accepting to take on renting this property. They grow EVERYWHERE all over this large, beautiful oasis, connecting me to those long lost Scottish days where I felt like I stepped into fairy-land. I hold these two very dear to my heart and feel so much joy sharing my interpretation of them with you on my platform. 

I encourage everyone to go out and sit under one of these plants, smell their essence, and get in touch with your yin spirit. 