Astrology For Mental Health

We are all different, with our own unique birth charts. Just as not one snowflake is the same.. so are humans.

After YEARS of suffering through crippling mental health and investing into multiple therapists, understanding this concept through astrology is what has put me on my path to healing.

Therapy can be great, but you also need to invest long term into working with the therapist long enough to get to where the gold is (your unconscious psyche--also known as your shadow). That costs MONEY.. lots of it.. and most people can't afford to go further than a couple sessions. These early sessions are surface level and will never get to the root of understanding yourself on a whole.

Astrology is like a map of your souls journey. It shows you the challenges you face and have faced and what tools you can use to work with your challenges, rather than run away. It shows you that the world isn't separated into black and white and working in a linear process, but that it's actually a continuous spiralling loop where you will keep encountering the same challenges your whole life--but encounter them with new perspectives as you retrieve parts of your shattered psyche along the journey.

Understanding your own map can give you purpose to work with the greater whole. Just as every organism has a purpose in breaking down organic matter (like in this photo), every soul on Earth has a unique purpose to contribute to the whole. Once you understand that, and I mean truly understand that, your mental health issues start to improve. You start to feel less isolated, fearful, lost, and hopeless. You understand your importance into the bigger picture. Astrology doesn't just improve your relationship to yourself, but your relationship to everything around you. You begin to carry less judgement and more compassion. You begin to see that everyone has their own inner battle to conquer, and that their bad behaviour has little to actually do with you. You begin to hold space for those around you and learn how to better communicate your needs.

Email me at to book your hour long astrology chart reading with me today.
