Collection: Topical Herbal Potions

** All oils are infused on New Moons or potent alchemical dates like the Equinoxes or Solstices-- then strained on the Full moon.

A huge blockage that I have grown up with is a disconnect to my body. Astrologically I deal with a lot of fixed air in my chart--creating a disconnect from my mind to body. A huge part of my healing with this issue is experimenting with Ayurvedic style self massage herbal body oils. Taking 10 mins a day to lightly apply different styles of infused oils and massaging/connecting to the body can help you tune into what emotions and pain you have been storing in your bodies. As westerners.. the majority of us have been raised in a culture that tends to "hold things in". This is reflected in the skyrocket rates of Colon Cancer (specifically in Canada, as we are known to be the "nice" country). Throughout the day, many of us are holding in our true emotions and it may even be subconsciously. Touching and massaging your entire body can help release your own emotions, but also other peoples energies that you may have unconsciously picked up during the day. Each of these oils are formulated to help direct a specific healing purpose you are trying to address or connect to. Enjoy.

**There is NO shipping on these products. I am trying to maintain a local only value system to encourage people to support the businesses that surround their own area. Pick up or drop off in Duncan area, as well as available to buy in the stores: Community Farm Store, Farm Girl Treasures, GLOW cafe, and reFRESH Cowichan Marketplace.