Cancer-Secure Your Home Life

Hi everyone!
How was Gemini season for you? Frankly, I am happy for it to be over as I found it very overstimulating! As much as I tried to take care of my nervous systemthe energy was overbearing. Everyone will feel it different in their own unique chart, so I am hoping yours was more of the positive aspects of Geminisocial, fun, mentally stimulating, and expressive. 
We just experienced our Summer Solstice, with the Strawberry moon welcoming in Cancer season full force! Have you been feeling more emotional the past couple of days? Has communicating with others been from a more emotional place rather than rational? If so, the energies at bay may be to blame. Cancer season can be lovely and welcoming, especially after a busy bee season like Gemini. The thought of home will be more alluring -- nurturing your blossoming plants and basking in its beauty, hosting more people at your home rather than meeting out and about. It is a great time to enjoy your home and family as kids are out from school and the weather gets nicer. The water will be very alluring since Cancer is the first water sign, so many trips to the lake will be beneficial at this time. Once we hit Summer Solstice, the days will start to slowly get shorter again, turning us inward to enjoy our home atmosphere and prepare for busy Leo month in the end of July. 
Planetary transits that will affect the energy of the month are:
Two full moons in Capricorn!
  • This is going to impact everybody in a massive way! Pluto (the planet of death and rebirth and bringing hidden truths to the surface) has been making quite the worldly stir over the past year and a half as it has been weaving in and out of Aquarius and Capricorn. Capricorn=societal structures, government, and corporationAquarius=a peoples revolution, activism, power to the people, group ideology, the future, technology, and aliens.
  • ​Look at the world as a whole right now.. Are these not the themes we are seeing EVERYWHERE? With Pluto being on it's final transit of Capricorn, we will see destruction to more areas of corrupt corporations, corrupt politicians and governments, and societal structures as we have known it for the past 250 some-odd years. Anything that has not been working in an honest, equal way will start to be exposed and disintegrate. We are moving towards Pluto in Aquarius for the next 20 yearsthat means people working for the people and not for higher levels of corrupt government.
  • However, with Pluto being the planet of death and rebirth through destruction, this will not pan out in a nice way. Expect more wars to come and more tragic deaths. There is hardly ever a peaceful revolution. I don't say this information to scare anyone, I say it to help prepare people for what is to comeso that when it does, there will be less panic and more action. Most of this destruction will be through our information sources. This is more of a spiritual and information war than it is a physical one.. but alas it can be just as destructive on our mental and emotional health.
  • Cue these two huge full moons... with it being in Cancer (the planet who rules our inner emotions).. we are going to FEEL it this month. The stress that the past few years have put on our health, our family, our psyches, our finances, our home.. we will feel it all. With Mars in the sign of Aries... we will probably act out our emotions through anger. Make sure to have a healthy outlet of these emotions so that we aren't taking it out on each other.. but rather the establishments that have caused all this mess in the first place. Most of us are all in the same boat-- so let's not capsize each other. With Mercury (planet of communication) and Venus (planet of love) being in Cancer​​, be weary of unloading your emotions onto your partner, family, or loved ones. Rather come together to discuss it in more conscious and healthier ways. 
  • Capricorn is the opposite sign of Cancer. Whenever there is a full moon, it will be in the sign opposite of the sign we are currently going through. Cancer is symbolically the mother, the womb, a water element, the crab, the yin and yang needed for making a child. Capricorn is the sea goat.. It leaves behind the water to climb the mountain to the top.. it may stumble and fall but no matter what.. It keeps climbing to the top. Since it still has a fin, it is motivated by family. Symbolically Capricorn is the "father" in astrology, the provider, the business owner, the corporate ladder... when in its positive light, it does this to provide for the family and not for personal gain... But in its shadow side it forgets it has a fin.. which can lead to becoming the leader -- but for material gains. Since Pluto is not done with deconstructing Capricorns shadow, anyone who has been living for material gain rather than for providing for others will expect to have a very hard time this month. These two full moons will bring to the surface outside events that will disrupt this way of being and get you to see that family is what matters most in life. The first one is today, the second one on July 21st. Sit and get vulnerable with yourself, try to sort out what actions are done for selfish motivations and what ones are done for the family unit. This first full moon gives you a chance to correct your path and connect deeper with the family if it has been neglected. If the lesson aren't learned today, then there may be more chaos on the 2nd full moon in Capricorn to teach your karmic lesson. Use the New Moon in Cancer on July 5th to set new intentions for the year, make amends for family neglect, and start this new chapter on the right foot. 
As for August, September, October, & November, the astrology is OFF THE CHARTS. Expect crazy wild events to happen around the world, but especially in the United States – as they are experiencing their Pluto return. Use this month as an opportunity to get close to those you share a house with and create a safe haven of food, shelter, and water to make it as comfortable as you can. Nobody can predict exactly what will happen in the months to come... But the energy does not look favourable so it does not hurt to prepare those you love within your home. 
Lifestyle and Health Advice:
  • WATER. Go to the water as much as possible. Whenever any big emotions come up for you this month, take it to the water. Swim in the water, drink plenty of water, water your plants (as much as you can within water limits), and stand outside in the rain. 
  • Nature walks, connecting to animals, visiting family members, cozy nights reading in the garden, cooking nourishing meals. 
  • Yogato create a connection between your emotions and your body
  • If your emotions are too much, write down your emotions ​before you communicate them to others. Remember we are all going to feel this energy, so many people will not have the emotional capacity for other people's heavy emotions.. To avoid conflict, try to learn self-soothing techniques. 
  • St Johns wort-- this flower will be popping up all over between now and next week. St Johns wart is good for many things, but it shines in aiding depression and nerve pain. If your emotions feel too much, and it is turning into physical pain.. This may be the plant for you. Make a tea or tincture out of it.. Or make a fresh oil to use topically for nerve pain. Make sure to check if it interferes with any of your medications as this herb contraindicates many pharmaceuticals.
  • Chamomile-- this plant is in full flowering bloom. Cancer rules the stomach in medical astrology-- and Chamomile is known to be the "mother of the gut" in herblore. It is also known as the plant for babies, or anyone experiencing an inner child crisis. If your emotions are impacting your gut health, turn to chamomile to self sooth. 
  • Mugwort-- mugwort is about to bloom this month. Many astro herbalist consider this herb to be a "Venus plant" which it does fit the description. However, I believe this plant to be a moon plant as it is named after the moon goddess Artemis (artemisia vulgaris). Mugwort helps calm down the nerves, aids in spiritual connection to other realms, helps digestion, and can be used to experience lucid dreaming. This herb may be great to work with if your someone who disconnects from your emotions (the dissociative type) and needs help balancing them between both worlds. If you are having trouble remembering the dreams that make you wake up feeling weird the next day.. Mugwort can assist you to remember them, write them down the next day, and find the symbolic message trying to get through to you. 
This one was lengthy!! May be best to read this in chunks and come back to refer to it many times throughout the month to see if it starts to resonate. 
As always, I am available for full astrology chart readings. My price is $100 for one hour and I can do either in person in North Cowichan or online through Zoom! 
Take care this month!