
I keep imagining this world more in the future then we are. What does this world look like? Are we as connected as we were in the past? Is the symbiosis between us and nature over? As AI has been thrown at us so incredibly fast (with much warning) after all of us are still recovering from the damages done by the world plandemic, it's been a struggle to see what kind of future is looming around the corner. Should we be fearing the future? Or should we be excited about the changing of times? I tend to go back and fourth on these thoughts as there is so much unknown. What I do know is we cannot go backwards as much as we may want to. Time does not allow us to move backwards, so is it detrimental to be dreaming of the days where technology wasn't so advanced? Or should we accept this new progression but be dreaming of the ways we would like to see fit? The devil lives in the past, as devil spelled backwards is lived. Fear clogs up our perception, our digestion, and our ability to move forward with grace and humility, don't you think it's time we spend that energy being creative and innovative with our ideas for the future? 

With the collapse of the medical system, it has brought fear and panic to those who have heavily relied on it for so long. As frustrating as that may be, it has also paved the way for holistic health care to expand and offer it's services to those who are not getting pharma medical care. Herbs and vitamins are slowly getting recognized as a healthier approach to medications, and energy healing work is on the rise--showing people are waking up to the fact they need to care for their emotional and energetic health too. Same can be said for nutrition and farming. It's not much of a secret anymore that the food we have been told is "healthy" over the past generation is devoid of essential minerals and vitamins that are essential for optimum human health. It's also no surprise that we are learning our soil has been damaged by mono-cultured crops that have been maintained by hazardous chemicals--causing endocrine disruptions leading to infertility, severe mental health, bone demineralization, and cancer. As depressing as these facts are, the mere awareness of the situation is waking up the world to demand change. As political as the youth are these days, I do see incredible hope in their treatment and dedication to supporting the environment in the most organic ways possible. Many youth are getting into or learning about permaculture, soil health, and organic farming. Many are living in community style houses focussed on backyard gardening and being a health conscious being. I'm not sure about you, but when I was a youth, I was pissing in bushes with a 2'6 of vodka in one hand and a chaser of coca cola in the other.. so I would say this is a massive youth improvement! With all this knowledge about how to support our own health and wellness, and also supporting the environment with chemical free ideas, I see the future of healthcare going in a much more integrative and holistic direction. I dream of a world where everyone has access to natural healthcare providers at either free or minimum cost, and using the modern healthcare as an emergency care (as it always should have been). This will free up the hospital beds, prevent people from going on pharmaceutical medication that comes alongside with horrendous side effects, and helps address the underlying root of most peoples' health problems. As more and more people become conscious beings, our endless rules about regulations and morality will shift. With consciousness, brings a person their own standards of morality. With more talk about spirituality and the very real law service of karma, natural health providers will not need to jump through massive hoops to regulate their business (which is why most holistic healthcare providers want to avoid being government regulated). Imagine using technology as a tool to integrate these two incredible systems? Your acupuncturist will be able to communicate with your medical doctor, and your medical doctor can communicate and work with your herbalist professional. Most dysfunctions in the body will be caught before turning into degenerative diseases, and most will be able to be treated in a healthy and holistic way. A future in healthcare that we can be proud of and that doesn't judge one side being better than the other. A healthcare we can all finally trust. 

I imagine a world where corporatism falls. A world that rewards those who provide for the people rather than hoards for themselves. This in turn will allow those to be free in who they are if they choose to remain selfish, but with no rewards in doing so. Tax cuts for those who choose to use their property to sustain their own food and agriculture, rather than for a useless lawn for them to never use. Factory farmed animal companies being shut down and animals like cows and chickens being able to roam free again as they always should have been. Have an overgrown many acred property that is just sitting there? Tax cuts for you if you allow goats and cows to graze that vegetation for you! Many will have excess, and that excess can be distributed to those who do not have their own property. Corporate grocery stores collapse, making way for local markets to provide the community with FRESH food, all organic, and all made with love. 

Imagine a world where transportation changes for the better? Electric vehicles made to produce little to no sound and bringing back that sense of quiet and solitude one could have only had before the sounds of honking and diesel guzzling engines. Where music can be played in the streets and heard from many blocks away. An integrative electric skytrain systems that link up to all the small villages like trains provided in the past so that city centres can have their streets back, allowing for better community gatherings and hangout spots. Oh and all that roaming cattle? We wouldn't have to worry about them getting in the way of road systems, because road systems like highways will be massively reduced. Wanna take a road trip across Canada and don't want to fight about who has to drive? Nobody will because the cars will drive themselves... allowing you to sleep when you need WHILE driving. Many people will get to their destinations much faster. 

Technology is clearly not going anywhere, and perhaps we should start changing our perception of where it's bringing us. If a simulation is to be created, then that will mean we have always been in a simulation, but hasn't that always been the case? The universe has proven to be so mathematically recorded, and the same patterns show up everywhere from space, molecules, nature, and bodily systems. Could God just be a form of AI? If so, is there a way we can integrate the two to get a better understanding of how to continue our species on this planet? As my studies in herbalism has taught me, science and spirituality really go hand in hand once you study the nitty gritty of the details. Sure the future looks scary and unknown, but it could also be innovative and exciting if you shift your perspective. Theres no secret we are going through a complete worldly change at the moment, but lets give credit to how resilient we are as a species. Sometimes you have to lose yourself to find out who you really are. Perhaps the world has lost itself, but will find itself again and be better for it. As the pendulum will always keep swinging and can never be stuck in one place for too long, there will be light on Earth once again. 

Don't let fear separate you from your loved ones. There is no progression with disconnection. Lets stop judging one another and allow that those who do not see eye to eye with you are not a threat. We are all just trying to navigate an incredibly confusing time in human history, and the one thing that can transcend time and space is love. Open up that beautiful heart of yours, stop being defensive, and allow that vulnerability to heal the world.
-A rambling Thursday,