Western Society & it's Losing Importance On The Crone

Spiritual Meaning of Crone= a. pre-existent form in the collective unconscious that embodies instinctive ways of. channeling wisdom, inner knowing, and intuition, guiding us through the transition of. life, and going inward to bring forth the light for transformation.
Googles Definition of Crone= an ugly old woman.
See the difference? See what sort of society we are turning into?
I am always on continuous lookout for a nearby crone.. so when I say they are hard to come by these days (especially in the Western World), I mean it. A crone shows no fear of aging, a crone welcomes the 3rd stage of life and all the wrinkles and sagginess that it brings. Not only does it embrace aging, but it embraces wisdom, humility, and playfulness. Just as the child is full of wonder and play, the crone enjoys it's final stages of wisdom of play. You see this in the beautiful connection between the old and the young and it's sad that we are losing our societies crones to materialism, fear of aging, and lack of wisdom. 
There is a direct co-relation between the Crone archetype and traditional family values. For millenia of generations, it was the crone of the family who was persistent in making sure the family carries on it's important traditions, while also directing young woman to understand the importance of gender roles, caring for the family first, and respecting your significant other. 
As I wander through the world of 2024, it hurts my eyes, ears, and soul to see so many female elders abandoning those traditions and turning to material objects, botox, and alcohol to make them happy. So when I come in to contact with a traditional crone, my heart skips a beat and I don't hesitate to ask as many questions as I can about traditional society before they slip through my delicate fingers once again. 
When you start to understand the importance of a crone, you will seek no wisdom from anybody else. For why would you seek wisdom from an elder who has not embraced their 3rd stage of life? To a grandmother who cares more about appearance than playing with their grandchildren? To an older woman who prioritized things over relationships with others, comfort over life of hard work with deep emotional rewards? 
Don't be fooled by the beautiful queen who only stays beautiful by sucking the souls out of other people. Because as Snow White shows us, under all the plastic and narcissistic facades, is an aging woman without their own soul.
Don't blame the evil queen however, as it has been our society that has shaped these woman into abandoning their old ways. It has been society that has embedded Plutonian thoughts of power, wealth, and seductiveness into the young minds of these now aging adults. It has been society that has changed the focus on family to material wealth and abundance. Long are the days of teaching how through suffering comes wisdom, through hard work becomes strength, through giving of cosmic love comes receiving of lasting love. 
I challenge and encourage you to go seek your own crones in your community. You will know the ones.. They will have a lifetime of stories of hardship, storybook love, loss, and magic. They will have eyes that shows a soul who has lived their life dedicated to making this world a better place. They will know about herbs, spirituality, nature, and relationships. They will know the right advice to give to your own unique soul.. as they have seen them all. 
Time to start putting praise on our societies crones and compassion on the adult woman who will not embrace their 3rd stage of life. Lets create a society who doesn't define a crone as "an ugly old woman" but "a wise old soul".
-Love Syd