Leo Season -- Collective Rebellion of Dictatorship

Happy Leo Season everyone!
*** This update will be a little bit advanced for those who are at the beginning of their astrology teachings. I advise that you still read it, as the best way to learn is to exposing yourself to more advanced teachings to gain a better understanding in how the planets talk to each other. Even if it doesn't make sense at first, you will begin to absorb it and it will be stored in your mind for when you get to a more advanced stage. This is the way I was taught and I believe it has helped me immensely. 
Today marks the first day of Leo season after following the 2nd full moon in Capricorn we had during Cancer Season. How was that season for you? I hope you enjoyed your home space, went swimming in the lakes + ocean as much as possible, and spent time around animals and family. I saw many people finally enjoying their summer with the weather finally getting sunny + hot. In Duncan, with the Days of Summer music festival, many people have been losing themselves in the healing medicine of FREE music. 
Even though summer came with a BANG, the hard astrological aspects I mentioned in last season's email were definitely lingering in the background of the collective. Namely the Mars/Uranus conjunction being the catalyst for big changes to come-- Mars (planet of war, action, and bloodshed) with Uranus (planet of rebellion, sudden surprises, and chaos) was the weekend of the Donald Trump assassination attempt. This conjunction is very symbolic as this will be the last conjunction of these two planets in the sign of Taurus (where Uranus has been making BIG changes to). Taurusruled by Venussymbolizes the banking system, agriculture, love, materialism, back to basics with nature, and beauty. Uranus has been in Taurus since 2018​ where we have seen major changes to all these areas in the collective. Many people have been rebelling against the system by moving to the country and starting homesteads, changing their relationship to material objects, our food system is on the brink of collapse with government regulations, and the banking system is going through immense change with the changeover to things like Bitcoin and rise of the Bricks nations. Uranus still has some time to make these changes in Taurus until it finally leaves and goes into Gemini in 2025. With Mars triggering Uranus in Taurus--- I see this as the catalyst of global frustrations with our government structures, and with Donald Trump almost getting shot, regardless of where you stand with him, we can all agree this is paving the way for MAJOR uprisings within the United States which will be tinkering outwards globally. 
With the final Full Moons in Capricorn before Pluto FINALLY leaves Capricorn (been there since 2008) and goes direct into Aquarius for the next 20 years, we are seeing the collapse of the Government structure (which Capricorn rules) and the uprising of the collective (which Aquarius rules). Wherever Pluto goes, truth comes to the surface. Cancer season brought SO MANY hidden truths to the light of the day for us all to see. More and more people are waking up to the fact that we cannot trust our Government, and that it really has not been "for the people" for a long, long time. The current Governments around the globe are being replaced and are sinking, which will be causing more chaos in our near futurebut for long term gain in terms of rebuilding a system that works for EVERYONE and not just the fortunate few.  If you have been working tirelessly on building your own craft or business, then this last full moon you probably got to see some of the fruits of your labour. If you have been waiting around and dependant on others to save or take care of you, then this was probably a wakeup call of a full moon. When the power comes back to the people, then we will need to be more independent and have things to offer to the collective (rather than government handouts or hiding our skills working for large organizations). In a community centred future, we all must do our part to keep the system going​in other words, it's time to find your skill/offering and master it (as the monetary system will not be there to save you if it all collapses). 
Leo Season-- Collective Rebellion of Dictatorship
If Cancer season wasn't enough for heavy aspects, Leo Season will be making things even MORE chaotic and intense (in fact it will continue each month to get crazier and crazier as the aspects grow more intense). The Leo/Aquarius axis is known as the "collective and the dictator". Leo is ruled by the Sun-- it likes to shine and be acknowledged for their accomplishments; in other words, it likes to be the shiniest person in the room. It's the last gasp of summer being in Augustso it's almost how we all act at the end of summertrying to cram as much of summer as we can into that last month, wearing the last of our cute summer outfits, soaking up the last of the Vit D before the Autumn brings cooler weather and rain. Aquarius (Leo's opposite sign), is all about the collective and doesn't care so much about the individual. It is in the midst of winter and has no way to shine. It huddles inside and spends it's time devising plans on how to create a harmonious world for everyone and how to treat everyone the same. Aquarius people tend not to give the praise to individuals like Leo would like, and Leo doesn't give the collective the praise like Aquarius would like. With Pluto being retrograde on 0 degrees of Aquarius (about to go into Capricorn for its last destruction), this conundrum will be highlighted this month. The positive side of this axisis that a new leader can come in to bring the collective together, the negative side of this axis – is that a dictator (Leo) can control the collective (Aquarius) in attempts for communism. The way to combat this axis – is to strengthen the collective values to choose a new leader that promotes growth (Leo) and individuality (Aquarius).
Leo season is your chance every year to shine your light into the world. It is a time to really put yourself first and do all the things you want to get done before the summers end. Leo also rules creativity and children, as children are the epitome of ego-centric (too young to understand the needs of others and focuses on their own needs and desires). This is the season of PLAY! All the hard work put into your garden is now going to bear its fruits and be ready for harvest. It is a time to CELEBRATE, socialize, and the wise part is to share what your harvest has brought you with others. This is also the hottest time of the year as it's summers fire sign-- which unfortunately also brings many wild fires. Be sure to be firesafe this season. There is really no need for a physical firewhen your inner fire is burning HOT. Channel that inner fire into creative projects and play.. and be sure to cool off if in the water if you feel angry from the heat. 
Mars/Jupiter conjunction in Gemini on August 14th
The theme of this month will centre a lot around this conjunction and we will feel it build and build until it happensand then we will deal with the aftermath during the Aquarius full moon. 
In my previous emailsI have highlighted how Jupiter is now in Gemini and what that means. Jupiter brings growth and expansion to wherever it goesin Gemini this will be "information overload". ​ It feels like EVERYONE will have an opinion as Gemini is the chattiest sign in the zodiac and wants to learn and share information with others. We will see this in our communities, online, podcasts, ect ect. With Mars (sudden action) conjunction Jupiter in this sign, it will almost be too much for many of us (especially if you have not been keeping up with all the hidden truths that have been coming to the surface over the past year and a half). Making sure to have a creative outlet where you can unload this heavy energy will help immensely. While Cancer focuses on the womb and conception, Leo focuses on birth of creation-- so make sure to birth your creation into the world this month. 
Many astrologers predict technology hiccups this month with this conjunction. More cyber-attacks are sure to be on the rise and especially closer to this date! More disruptions with air travel around this time and especially once Mercury goes retrograde on August 5th. Anything to do with communication and technology will get screwed up somehowso be diligent on that.
Full Moon in Aquarius
Since this is a lengthy email. I will skip the new moon in Leo and talk more about the full moon in Aquarius. With the new moon in Leo highlighting changes in how we communicate our values with also restrictions to our growth which brings frustration underneath the surface, the Full Moon will be when we unload it ALL.
When I tell you this Full Moon will be HEAVY.. I mean it. There are two T squares (very challenging aspects) in this Full Moon and it is also triggering the Triad of Transformations (alignment between the outer planets of Pluto, Neptune, and Uranus which has been gearing us up for a major societal shift since 2020) this will be a karmic full moon but possibly a violent and revolutionary one. This Full Moon will be happening on the exact same day as the Democratic National Convention in the USA. Expect riots, sudden surprises, and chaos to ensue.. Nothing is off the table on this day. This Full Moon will be triggering what there is to come for the next TWO decades.. It will be the turning point of a new revolution. We should be prepared but also grateful for living in such a tremendous time of change, we are currently living through the next history book. 
** A note-- many people are turning to religion at this time to make sense of the evil that is prevalent in this world. In my own opinion (as much as I value and respect religion), it is time to realize that we are transitioning into a completely NEW era. Religion as we have known it will not be the same.. Nothing can move backwards.. Only forwards. Right now, there seems to be a war of the religion of science and traditional religion. What we will come to realize is they are both sides of the same coin. If you are feeling like you are clinging to a belief system and using terms like "this is the only way"--maybe try to look at your value system from another angle as that is the ego speaking. Nobody knows what way is the right way.. Sometimes dark is light and sometimes light is dark. The new system will be more integrative with nature and cycles-- it will be more advancedit will be DIFFERENT. 
Lifestyle Support During This Time
  •  Cool yourself down in water as much as you can. Water supports emotions in a balanced way.. If you're feeling emotionally and/or physically heated.. Go to the water. 
  • Use this time and heightened energy to birth your creative creations to the world
  • Play often and spend time around children
  • Focus on heart centred meditations (Leo rules the heart in medical astrology)
  • Use this time to work on your self esteem and confidence-- Leo is "the star of the show" and the energy will be supporting you being the star of your own show
  • Physical exercise that gets your heartbeat going. Fire needs lots of movement to get out excess energy, and since Leo rules the heart, you want to make sure it's something in the lines of cardio movement. This is the last active month of the year before Autumn comes and we start to become more stationary.. So move as often as you can before we move into Virgo Season (cleanse season).
Herbal Support
  • BERRIES. Berries will be everywhere and they are great for the cardiovascular system. My partner and I have started putting berries in the top of the swing part of the fridge and made a rule to grab a handful every time we open it. Berries are also cooling to the system so will help us cool down our bodies internally. 
  • Hawthorn – Herbal Medicine's ultimate Heart Tonic. Supports the cardiovascular system as a whole and protects the heart with boundaries while allowing it to open back up to receive and give love. Depending where you live, the berries may start popping up around the end of August/September time. The berries support the structure of the heart-- which makes sense when we start to gear up for hermit season. 
  • Borage – "Borage for Courage" is an old folklore saying that suggests borage helps bring courage to the heart. It is high in healthy oils, cooling to the system, and a tonic for the adrenals (which by this point of summer many of our adrenals are getting tired from all the busyness). The flowers taste like cucumber and can be added into salads and the leaves into tea. I like this herb especially this year for Leo season to help bring courage to the collective for what these upcoming months are going to bring us. Gearing us up for challenges and connecting us to our inner warrior. 
  • Lemon Balm – Great for cardiovascular support by helping to reduce blood pressure. It is also incredibly cooling to the system while we go through all these heatwaves and supports our digestive, immune, and nervous system. All of which could use a nice boost before we head into Virgo "cleanse season". 
  • Ellies Herbal Shack's "Heart Tonic Tea" – perfect for this time of year as we enter the "Heart season". Consists of Holy Basil, Hawthorn, Olive Leaf, and Rose and works to protect the cardiovascular system by reducing blood pressure, cholesterol, and stress levels while also uplifting the mood, balancing blood sugar, and supporting healthy boundaries. A must have for Leo season. Email me if you would like me to drop off (in Cowichan Valley) or set some aside for you at an upcoming market. 
Another LONG email for all of you. I suggest reading this over multiple times throughout the month as most of it will start to make sense mid Leo season. Next season will be Virgo season-- where our bodies focus on cleansing and preparing the body for hermit season. 
Enjoy the rest of summer and drink PLENTY of water. Hopefully see some of you at my markets this August. I will be sending an email August 1st to let you know of the market dates. 
Take care,