Why Astrology? My Astrological Journey.

Back in my 20's I had a very strong pull towards the psychology world, perhaps it was because of my own dysfunctional upbringing and the need to understand myself, and/or my push towards wanting to do work in the world that consisted of deeper value towards the collective, whatever the case I decided to take a semester into psychology at the local community college. 
From the start I was incredibly fascinated to study the unconscious mind and it's ability to completely disrupt what our soul yearns for, yet there was something deeply missing from the studies. I couldn't resonate with the rigid structures of the texts, the disconnect from spirit or soul, and the endless amounts of modern scientific studies that seemed to be the holy grail to modern post education psychology. I couldn't find a place for me in it, my mind was/is too wild of a place for modern education and in order for my own evolution, I needed a study that allowed my mind to penetrate the tight red tape of educational institutions. I decided to abandon the study after just one semester and take to travelling the world to understand people for myself, to study how other cultures valued spirituality, family, and their lifestyles--to me the world had the potential to be the classroom. And that it does.
It wasn't until 9 years later, during my Saturn return, that I came into contact with plant medicine and it's ability to shift rigid and inherited perspectives that I felt called to a psychological path that I could not yet define. Having stumbled on my first Carl Jung book and a disintegrating Mary Esther Harding book in a free pile box on the side of the road in Victoria, BC that my path seemed to click. Although I couldn't define it at the time, this was the start of my true understanding of what I feel is missing from modern psychology today. I began to read more "Jungian" inspired books, diving into the importance in understanding the divine masculine and feminine dynamics, the mystery of the unconscious mind, and the importance of bringing it into the conscious mind within a lifetime. During this time I began connecting with friends that allowed me to expand my knowledge and buried interest of Astrology, while also diving into the history of ancient medicinal and psychological practises. Through my studies at Pacific Rim College, I studied under Medical Astrologer Dallas Killian Arrowood and began heavily studying under Martin Comtois's youtube channel "Healer and a Dreamer" with guest Dayana Robinson. My path became very clear to me when I applied for a job at a health food store in Duncan, BC and my future boss happened to be Dayana, who warm heartedly invited me into her circle with Martin to understand astrology even further. I began to read the books of astrologer and psychologist "Liz Greene" and I continue this journey today, always deepening my education of connecting the astrology to the unconscious mind. It was through that deep, immersive self study that I recognized my gift of understanding the deeper needs of the psyche, and the importance of owning ones own shadow to create an ultimate wholeness within ones life. My path became clear for this lifetime with the knowledge I carry and continue to study that it's my duty use this knowledge to help others understand themselves in not just a textbook psychology way, but to use both science and spirituality and the map of an astrological chart to guide someone back to themselves and help plant the seeds of the work they need to do in this lifetime to unwind ancestral curses that is not theirs to carry anymore. As science is beginning to catch up to spirituality in the findings of epigentics and ancestral trauma-- I use astrology to understand the root of a persons' imbalance and how it may be manifesting through their relationships, health (with the aid of herbs), and life as a whole. 
An astrology reading is not going to save you, the same way herbs alone will not save your medical condition. It will be just one piece of a puzzle, a shift in perspective that can guide you towards taking control of your own healing process and create more awareness of that which has yet to be healed within. The truth is, it takes a lifetime to finally understand why you are the way you are, why your life has turned out the way it has, and to reach a final acceptance of your life as a whole. But with continuous self healing work along the way, you can maintain your connection to your divine being and work to stay in a realm of consciousness rather than go back to living disconnected and unconscious. Whether this will be your first reading or a curious inquiry into the more hidden depths of your birth chart, you can expect to walk away with more clarity of your own unique path, a deeper understanding of hidden natures to your psyche, and an acceptance of parts of yourself you may have deemed too different from the pack. It may help to un-peel another layer of what you need to work on and what needs to be healed, but it will be up to you to continue that work in order to get back on the path of your hearts desire.