Why I Love Men
I love: the musky smell that makes me feel rooted in my body
- the simple answers and advice I get when my mind seems to be plummeting through chaos 
- the direct directions I get when a major problem occurs (as much to my dismay)
-how protected I feel in their pressence 
- the distaste for gossip and overanalyzing 
- how well they rationalize 
- how directive they are 
- the feeling of having a solid anchor 
- how long they can support my emotions without feeding into them
- how well they can see through a situation
- the order they can bring to my chaos 
- the simplest things can satisfy them 
Why I Love Woman
I love: the chaotic laughter about absolutely nothing 
- the understanding of chaotic tears for small reasons
- the hugs and touch that feels so comfterable and safe
- the talking of nonenese from one topic to another and both equally able to follow
- going somewhere without direction or purpose 
- being able to share our low and high moods together bringing us back to baseline in harmony 
- dancing away our pent up energy
- nurturing each other through good and the bad
- being airheads without being judged and laughing at how rediculous we are
- the wildness of our nature
I could go on and on for both sides. It's okay to accept and appreciate our gendered differences. I know what to expect from hanging out with my girl-friends to hanging out with my guy-friends. In fact, I choose to hang out with one or the other depending on what I am needing in that moment. In a world that wants everyone in unison, I celebrate diversity. In a world that talks about the negative, I choose to appreciate and look towards the positives of our differences. Sometimes you want your mother figure, sometimes you want your father figure. Sometimes you crave the Moon, sometimes you crave the Sun. And when they both come together in unison, something beautiful and alive can be created. 
Let us not forget what makes us unique and different. 